Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Date Is Set

Originally the plastic surgeon and I were talking about doing the surgery in August.  The more I thought about it I decided that it might be better if I waited until after the kids went back to school.  I have been told that the first week or two is going to be the worst, and there is no reason for the kids to have to be here all day seeing me miserable.  It will also give us the opportunity to enjoy our entire summer break.  So, I emailed my plastic surgeon and told him what I was thinking and he emailed me back with a date.  It is on the calender, its official, and the countdown has begun.  Monday, September 19th is when it is going to happen.  Reading that email and seeing that date made my heart start racing and I felt a feeling of panic coming over me.

I read April's blog a couple nights ago. (the lady who has a blog about her journey with this same surgery)  She recently had her second surgery to insert her "Foobs" (fake boobs) as she calls them.  She had her mastectomy on December 10th and had her second surgery on May 10th.  Not sure if it will be the same amount of time for me or not, we will have to see.  One thing that April has mentioned a few times is the emotional part of the process.  It got me thinking that maybe it would be best if I started seeing a counselor now so that I can get a jump start on some help to possibly make this process a little easier.  I am going to go see my counselor for the first time tomorrow.  I have never really liked talking to "shrinks" in the past but I am very open to getting help now.  This is going to be a very different than anything I have ever been through before.

I also emailed the general surgeon and asked about the possibility of doing the nipple sparing surgery.  This is something that has been weighing heavy on me and wanted to get his opinion on it.  He said that he thinks that it is very possible that they will be able to leave the nipples since I am cancer free now.  They will have to move them when they do the implant surgery because they will most likely not be in the right place after the implants are put in. The plastic surgeon will need to do some "nipping and tucking" of the skin and will place the nipples in the correct place at that time.  It is important to me to spare them if at all possible. I know I am going to have scars and I can deal with that, but I would love to have my natural nipples instead of a "fipple" (get it, fake nipple. lol) that they created.

So, that is my update for right now.  I am so grateful for all my friends and family who have let me know that they are praying for me.  It gives me so much comfort and I appreciate it more than any of you will ever know.
